
Table of contents

  1. Download by artist name
  2. Download by artist ID
  3. Download by URL
  4. Download all monitored artists
  5. Download a date range

deemon includes a command line interface to the deemix library allowing you to download directly by artist name, artist ID, album ID or URL.

The download command inherits all global settings configured in config.json such as bitrate and record type. These settings can be overriden using options available with the download command.

The download command is fairly straightforward and usage information including options can be found by running deemon download --help. Below are a few common usages of the download command.

Download by artist name

To download by artist name, simply run the download command followed by the artist’s name:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download John Doe

Download by artist ID

To download by the artist’s ID:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --artist-id 100

Download by URL

In the below example, you can download a specific URL (artist, album, track or playlist):

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --url https://...

Download all monitored artists

If you’d like to download all releases by all artists currently being monitored, you can use the --monitored option to do so:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --monitored

Download a date range

Introduced in version 2.5, you can now specify a date range when downloading releases.

To download releases by all monitored artists between January 1, 2022 and January 31, 2022:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --monitored --after 2021-12-13 --before 2022-02-01