
The rollback command allows you to rollback the last N transactions or a specific transaction. A transaction is created anytime an artist is monitored or a refresh finds new releases. This does not delete any downloaded files but can be useful in the event a download failed and you want to quickly re-download those releases.

Rollback by last N transactions

user@localhost:~$ deemon rollback 2                                                                                                       ✔  2m 22s  
Rolled back the last 2 transaction(s).

Rollback a specific transaction

By default, deemon shows only the last 10 transactions. To change this, edit rollback_view_limit in your config.json file to increase or lower this amount.

user@localhost:~$ deemon rollback --view
1. 10:00 AM - Added Ludwig van Beethoven and 389 releases
2. Yesterday, 8:22 PM - Added Mozart and 31 releases

Select specific refresh to rollback (or Enter to exit):