
Table of contents

  1. Generate Track IDs
  2. Generate Album IDs
  3. Specify output path of ID file
  4. Obey exclusions set in config.json
  5. Using library_upgrade_ids.txt

Warning: This feature is a working prototype and is provided as-is. It should work but it requires accurate local metadata when querying for track/album IDs.

Starting in v2.18, deemon includes a library upgrade script to upgrade your existing collection from MP3 to FLAC by generating a file containing track/album IDs to be used with the download command.

Generate Track IDs

To generate a file containing track IDs:

user@localhost:~$ deemon library upgrade /path/to/music/library

This will generate a file in the current working directory called library_upgrade_ids.txt.

Generate Album IDs

To generate a file containing album IDs:

user@localhost:~$ deemon library upgrade -A /path/to/music/library

Specify output path of ID file

user@localhost:~$ deemon library upgrade -O /path/to/save /path/to/music/library

Obey exclusions set in config.json

If you’d like to obey the exclusions defined in your config.json file, add -E or --allow-exclusions.

user@localhost:~$ deemon library upgrade -E /path/to/music/library

Using library_upgrade_ids.txt

To process this file for downloading of the tracks/albums, use one of the following commands depending on which type of file you have generated:

Track IDs:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --track-file library_upgrade_ids.txt

Album IDs:

user@localhost:~$ deemon download --album-file library_upgrade_ids.txt