
Table of contents

  1. Step 1 - Required Dependencies
    1. Step 2 - Installing deemon
  2. Configuration & First Use

Step 1 - Required Dependencies

In order to install and run deemon, you’ll need to have at least Python 3.6 or higher installed along with the pip package manager.

Please refer to for more information.

Step 2 - Installing deemon

Once you have at least Python 3.6 installed, go ahead and install deemon using pip. On some distributions, the pip command is for Python2. In this case, substitute pip for pip3 in the commands below.

Windows users: These commands should be typed in a Command Prompt, Windows Terminal or Powershell window.

# Latest stable release
$ pip install deemon

# Latest release (including pre-release/beta)
$ pip install --pre deemon

At this point, pip will download deemon and any other modules required to allow deemon to function. Once it’s complete, use the following command to make sure deemon is installed:

$ deemon -V
deemon 2.19.2

Configuration & First Use

Congrats! If you’ve made it this far, you have successfully installed deemon. There are a few things you should configure before using deemon. Head on over to the configuration page to learn more.