Table of contents
- Refresh
- Refreshing a single artist
- Refreshing a single playlist
- Refreshing with downloads disabled
- Refresh to a specific date
The refresh
command is used to check for new releases, update the database and queue new releases with deemix for download. By default, running refresh
will refresh the both artists and playlists for the active profile.
By executing the refresh
command by itself, deemon will refresh the releases for all artists and playlists contained in your database.
Note: For large databases, this can take several minutes to complete.
user@localhost:~$ deemon refresh
Refreshing a single artist
The refresh
command has the ability to refresh a single artist or your entire database. To refresh an artist, simply specify that artists name after the refresh
user@localhost:~$ deemon refresh Artist Name
Refreshing a single playlist
The refresh
command also has the ability to refresh a single playlist. To refresh a playlist, specify that playlists name after the refresh
user@localhost:~$ deemon refresh My Awesome Playlist
Refreshing with downloads disabled
If you wish to run a refresh without downloading any releases automatically, you can specify --skip-download
Refresh to a specific date
The refresh
command has a feature developed for resetting the database to a certain point in time called time machine. This makes rebuilding a music collection simple and can also ensure you have all releases released after a certain date.
Let’s say for example you want to download all releases released on or after January 1, 2022 for your entire database. All you have to do is run time machine with the date of the day prior:
user@localhost:~$ deemon refresh --time-machine 2021-12-31
This tells deemon to first clear any release from the database that is newer than December 31, 2021 and then will do a full refresh. Any releases found between January 1, 2022 and today’s date will be queued for download.
In the event a release is found with a release date in the future, deemon will save this to the database and flag it is a future release. Once the release date of the future release has come, that release will then be queued for download.